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Download free programs in Delphi 7 (and 3) - 32 bit.

Delphi is a wonderful tool for writing fast windows applications, but it is complex.
Therefore these programs will be updated irregularly as I get new bright ideas,
and more programs will follow.
The programs are now distributed as installing programs and zip-files.
Certain programs are bilingual (english/danish), see the installing directions.
All programs work fine on windows 95 to windows 10, in 64 bit too.

I will be happy if you'll send me an email about how you like my programs
and whether you should like some things changed, and other comments.

After april 8 2014 Microsoft no longer offers updates to windows XP, neither to windows 7 now.

Most 32-bit programs BUT NOT ALL, can run on 64-bit machines.

Sadly enough, Microsoft no longer includes winhlp32.exe from Vista and onwards.
You can still use 16-bit help files, but not 32-bits.
You can download htmlhelp.exe from Microsoft  to convert your old winhelp projects to .chm files and make new ones.
Or you can copy winhlp32.exe from XP, or read further here:


Sorry, no help for windows 10 in this matter.
So I've transferred winhlp32.exe from windows XP and I now have these options:
a: Drag the help file to winhlp32.exe, it is then opened and can be read.
b: run winhlp32.exe and open the help file.
c: make a batchfile containing "(path1\)winhlp32.exe (path2\)filename.hlp" and run it.
d: I could attempt to install winhlp32.exe, but I haven't got it done yet.

It looks like winows 10 has started using the charset UTF-8 instead of ANSI code page 1252 (western europe).
This is bad news if your language is not english, but I have written a program that may be of some help.
If it works in other countries also, please let me know.

is an alternative to window notepad and can edit and save texts in ANSI and UTF-8 format,
contrary to notepad which produces weird characters instead of Æ, Ø og Å if your computer uses UTF-8.
This is relevant for languages like danish, swedish, german, french, spanish and others that use special characters in print.
It didn't happen on my old computer which used an ANSI charset, but the UTF-8 on my new one
makes problems for my Delphi7 compiler when it comes to texts in danish. English works fine though.
I believe that UTF-8 has come to stay, but the trouble is that while most characters are coded with 1 byte like ANSI,
special characters are coded with 2-4 bytes. Therefore I was forced to rewrite some of my programs in danish.

Program features:
*Handles UTF-8 characters of 1 and 2 bytes plus the euro sign.
*Reads text in both codings (in ANSI internally).
*Insert special characters from an ANSI table. NOTE: the first 2 rows (apart from €)
   are in fact control characters and should not appear in a normal text.
*Saves texts as ANSI or UTF-8.
*Prints texts with the help of windows notepad.
*Toggle wordwrap.
*Change font in the program window.
*Controls in english or danish.
*No attachment to *.txt files. But if you right-click a textfile and choose 'open with...' and find VSANSIedit, then VSANSIedit will now appear in the 'open with...' menu. (windows 10).

New: Fixed a bug in the euro sign conversion. Many cosmetic changes.

VSANSIedit-update 2-0,3 Mb as exe file-updated november 8, 2020.
VSANSIedit-update 2-0,3 Mb as zip file.
VSWolfTools 2 is a suite of 4 programs for modifying the data files of a Wolfenstein/Spear of Destiny/Blake Stone/Operation Bodycount/C7 mod.
They all run nicely on windows 10+ - 64 bit machines in contrast to Floedit II, which otherwise is a great mod editor (except for sprite handling).
My helpfiles are a little brief and technical, so I refer to that of Floedit II, which explains everything nicely..
You may copy your possible home-made definitions files to the VSWolfTools\VSMAPED or \VSWAPED directories.
The programs handles: Wolfenstein v1.0-v1.4 and Spear of Destiny, C7, Blake Stone and OBC mods, full or shareware, also many other code-changed mods,
    rectangular levels up to 286 x 286 blocks, 64x64 and 128x128 pixels graphics, floor and ceiling structures, all sprites, palettes.
In all of the programs you can add items to the data files.
You can always import from another datafile or for 3 of the programs from a new (or same) instance of the program using the 'App' button.
The results can be saved to the mod, but it is advisable to make a backup (filenames+'bk') of the files when asked.
The 'Open game directory' function is so practical that it now in in all 4 programs.
    First, you may also copy all of your mod to a backup directory for safety reasons.
I am trying to make it possible to edit any mod, however the peculiarities of unique mods is outside my scope (with the exception of OBC).

August 22-20: Known Bugs or Shortcomings

Please report any bugs or shortcomings to me.

The programs in brief:

VSWAPED edits the VSWAP/GFXTILES.* file  : Wall images, sprites and digital sounds.
VSMAPED edits the GAMEMAPS/MAPTEMP.* and MAPHEAD.* files : Level maps.
VSMUSED edits the AUDIOT.*        and AUDIOHED.* files  : PC sounds, AdLib sounds and  IMF music,
VSVGAED edits the VGAGRAPH.*  and VGAHEAD.* files, using VGADICT.*     : Fonts, pictures, palettes, endscreens, demos and endart (text).

This should take care of all of the standard data files.

VSWolfTools_2-u23 as exe file, update 23 -1.40 MB, updated June 1, 2024. If you use this file to install VSWolfTools in windows 10+ in the program directory,
    you must run the programs as administrator if you want to save definitions or palettes later,
VSWolfTools_2-u23 as zip file.

VSMAPED -  A general level debugging and editing program for Wolfenstein/Spear of Destiny related games, also code-changed ones.
   *Statistic of contents of each level and of the whole mod.
   *Search function, also for entries not in the definitions list. You can edit meanwhile.
   *Detection of blocked areas.
   *3D window showing part of the map like in the game, sizable 1 to 5 times. It can show
           parallax skies and you can edit the level meanwhile.
   *Choice of symbols to represent items in the map.
   *Definition lists for 'Wolfenstein', 'Spear of Destiny, 'Tribute', 'Revival of memories',
           'Guns&Glory', 'Corridor 7', 'Operation bodycount', and the Blake Stone games.
     You can make new definition lists based on the supplied ones.
   * 'Classes' files with searching criteria (*.inf), placed together with descriptions (*.txt).
   *Saved games can be handled in some cases.
   *Up to 256 rectangular levels each with up to 286 x 286 tiles.
   *Images in 64x64 or 128x128 pixels.
   *Floor and ceiling structures.
   *Floorcodes, also with 2 images (OBC).
   *Directional sprites.
    *Custom locations of doors, floor codes in the definitions file.
   *2- or 3-plane maps.
   *One or 2 images for walls/doors.
   *Partly transparent walls/doors-Only for one-image walls (C7, OBC).
   *1-way doors with differing sides.
   *'Invisible' symbol.
   *Checking and regeneration of (damaged or lost) maphead file.
   *Free choice of background colors in the 3D window.
*A 2.5x magnifying glass for the map picture. Can show level/floor or ceiling structures at your choice.
 * 'Open game directory' to run the mod while editing.
 * Map corner cell numbers explained.
*Use arrow keys to go through the image lists.

New: *The magnifying glass now shows level/floors/ceilings at your choice.
                 It will be easier to align structures in all planes.
          *A possible parallax sky is shown in the 3D window even if floors or ceilings is edited.
          *The error messages which came when clicking in the map when 3D window shown
                 and floors or ceilings are edited, are now gone.
          *The combination of doors and 'deaf guard' floorcodes is now an invisible barrier
                 (to you)  in the 3D window as in the game. Maybe it is an original bug?
          *The guards now have got new symbols, hopefully more clear than before.
          *Now you can use arrow keys to go through the image lists.

From my new mod 'Krankenstein Klinik'.

is an editor for VSWAP/GFXTILES files. Walls, sprites and sounds can be replaced in the VSWAP file of practically any game derived from Wolfenstein3D or Spear of Destiny, with up to 8192 pointers and graphics up to 256x256 pixels.
All wall and sprite images can be seen and sounds heard, and anything can be saved as bitmaps and wavefiles. You can open a special palette if needed.
The sprites are packed and unpacked by delphi routines I have made. It works for all sprites and picture sizes.
Any number of walls or sprites can be animated.
Each picture/sound has a description that is read from a text file you can edit yourself. In many cases descriptions are not needed, though.
In 7 minutes you can capture the palette of any mod using 'Palette Tool'.
There are many ways to skin a cat - and to pack a sprite. It may  be packed  'tight', saving space and allowing for more complicated sprites.
You can add new walls, and for experts: sprites and sounds. You can get 70 new walls for a shareware mod
 'Open game directory' to run the mod while editing.

A stupid bug in the u14 and u15 versions of VSWAPED is now fixed.
DO NOT USE THOSE! Everything is OK now.

Sprite unpacking routine--  updated may 09, 2015. update  1, includes 128x128 pixels graphics.

With this program you can replace up to 2048 chunks in the music AUDIOT.* file.
In theory you can replace anything with anything but be VERY careful not to mess up your mod. You can always replace IMF music, however.
You can also add or delete a number of sound or IMF chunks in the list.
 'Open game directory' to run the mod.

To hear music from an IMF chunk:

Use VSMUSED to copy the chunk to WONDERIN (IMF no.15) in a wolf or spear mod(remember to make a backup) and start the mod.
The music is heard when you are wondering what to do next.

allows you to change anything in the VGAGRAPH.* file: You can replace fonts, pictures
(now up to 640 x 400), palettes, endscreens, demos, and texts (only ASCII characters), in up to 2048 chunks.
Pictures are shown in scales 4:1, 2:1, 1:1 or 1:2, depending on the size.
You can't see examples of endscreens or fonts (yet), but you can replace them.
Text is best edited in the text window.
'Open game directory' to run the mod
Be careful with picture dimensions when you are making changes, the result may surprise you when you play the mod. They will be packed to smallest size.
You can add new fonts, pictures, endscreens, palettes, demos and texts. You can choose to rearrange the chunks like Floedit II does.
You can save an item, the chunks list, and Huffman-coding bits per byte list.
You can Insert a palette in a picture and use the palette tool of VSWAPED.
Note the cool ID team (upper image) ->.


allows you to peek into ANY file, or compare two files.
You have access to all bytes in a file, in a straighforward way.
Find text, tables, pictures and sounds and extract them.
Disassemble parts of the file and see histograms and representations in binary.
The program works with a file copy and is therefore safe to use.
Produce a HTML report of what you find in one or more files, with pigtures and playable sounds.
A logfile shows saved files.
You get the Wolfenstein palette and some others, and a small Space Invaders game. Also, you can make palette files from game screenshots or whatever.

SEEFILES 5.1--1.1 Mb-latest update feb 27, 2020

New: Fixed en error in the search algorithm.

is a flight simulator which lets you fly different prop airplanes or gliders. You can loop, roll, start and land etc. Like for James Bond, the airplane can be made into a car or a speedboat as you need it.
The program is made for the 'feeling' of flying so don't expect strict accuracy.
The program starts in a flyable demo. It features car race and ambient light settings, and several landscapes and airplanes.
You can make your own airplanes and landscapes - see 'readme.txt'.
Flysim 7.2 works in all screen resolutions with a 500 MHz PC or better.
The context-sensitive help is in danish. If you delete 'flysim.lng' it will be in english. You can use old *.SCE files.
You can use analogue joysticks if you set the program to win98 mode.
You can choose from 25 propeller aircraft, mostly from WW2 and a few gliders, including a space shuttle. Factories. Monuments. Fouutains.

New: Faster action in slow-graphics PCs.
     Set the picture elements to 3-6 pixels. Bigger is faster but coarser.
     Much more color hues.
     New, more realistic mountain snow.
     Nicer-looking fog.
     ILS: Instrument Landing System.
     Simplified user interface.
     More reliable aircraft data.
     Better sounds.
     2 more airplanes: Piper Super Cub and
     Handley Page O-400, a WW1 bomber.

FLYSIM 7.2--3.0 Mb-updated feb 03, 2018.

Written in delphi 3 because the sound component is for Delphi 3 only.
Children like it.

- A graphic editor that makes it easy to edit flysim landscapes (SCE files) and make new ones.
Just draw two curves, and roads - cities - trees etc. are added automatically. You can zoom in on the maps, and view the landscape in 3D. Like for FLYSIM, you can get the hints in english by deleting the LNG files, or rewrite them in your own language. Undo/Redo in 20 levels. You can use old SCE files.

New: Comes with Flysim 7.2

You can print on A4 paper in millimeters or inches, any logarithms, polar, normal distribution and music paper,  in good quality.
The prints are monochromic in the color you choose.
First time you may print a test page and enter the printing area's measures, then further printouts will be to correct scale.
Set your printer to photo quality, the lines are thin.

VSPRINTS --326 Kb-updated jul 7, 2005



Use .bmp-.ico-.emf-.wmf-.jpg-.jpeg-.gif pictures of any size as a puzzle and solve it by dragging the pieces to the desired positions. You can save a puzzle and continue later. Up to 1024 pieces, but cheating (showing displaced pieces in negative) is allowed.

VSPUZZLE --433 Kb-updated aug 22, 2004

PATIENCE 2.1. Play a game of patience. 116 games, from 'Kabaledjævlen' and a couple of my own. The names are in danish, maybe you can recognize some you know and rename them.
Each game is defined in a textfile  *.PAT which describes the rules. You can make your own game
using Regler.html (in danish, though). Not any conceivable, but many.
You can change the language and ths looks and possible animation and choose some favourite games
The upper bar shows position-sensitive help to playing the game.

New: 3 new rules and 2 new games. The program is now adapted to the utf-8 character set.
          Rules for making a new patience game.
          The card animation now works for PCs like my new one too. Select danish/english.

PATIENCE    update 1--436 Kb-updated feb 16, 2021.

12 sexy card backs      --262 Kb - aug 2, 2001
12 space card backs    --289 Kb- oct 16, 2001
12 windows XP backs --216 Kb- sep 12, 2004

Patience rules - How to make a new patience game.

= VISualizes QUAKE 1 savegamefiles. Also handles Hexen II.
You cannot see a map in Quake, but savegames (*.SAV) which are in the quake\id1 directory, contain a lot of information about monsters, doors, triggers, teleporters etc.
VisQuake can show them graphically as a kind of level map. You can open and close doors, take plats up and down, spot dead and surviving monsters, animate them and find secret areas.
You see triggers and what they activate, and descriptions of all entities taken from the savegame file.
Search in the file. VisQuake can be used for certain other games with a quake engine, such as Hexen II.
A little help but no walkthrough.

VISQUAKE --482 Kb-updated dec 23, 2005


will turn ordinary texts into sophisticated nonsense.
In the intelligent person this may start new ways of thinking
about the nature of things. Otherwise beware!

RABBEL --335 Kb-updated aug 26, 2004